I have used several slicing programs to prepare my models for 3D printing, but none comes close to PrusaSlicer, which is open-source (free) for all to use.
Unfortunately, up until now, you need a “real computer” to use it as it needed to be installed. Now, the Linux build can be installed on a Chromebook, making a premier slicer available to any student with a CB. After creating their model on SketchUp, Tinkercad, or Onshape, they can export the STL file, import it into PrusaSlicer, orient it on the print bed, add supports, slice it and export the gcode.
Here is how to install it on an old, cheap CB I bought for $200 at Costco three years ago. I wish the audio had been captured better by Loom, but did I mention it was an old Chromebook :-).