Installing GIMP on a Chromebook

For 99% of the image editing tasks, GIMP and Photoshop can do the same thing.  Of course, GIMP is much-lesser known as it is a free open-source program that does not have Adobe’s multimillion-dollar advertising campaign, but nevertheless, it gets the job done and more!

Now with many schools adopting Chromebooks, full-featured image editing has been limited.  No more, as you can now easily install GIMP on most Chromebooks.  I managed to install it on my 3-year old $225 Costco Chromebook and it runs great.  This is the full version of GIMP, not some watered-down web version.

Here are  Terminal Commands For Installing GIMP on a Chromebook,  versions 2.8 or 2.10, using your Chromebook’s version of Terminal.  Installing 2.8 is a little easier, but 2.10 is worth the little bit of extra time.

Create Your Own Time Magazine Cover With Pixlr

Have your students use Pixlr to create their own Time magazine cover using the free online image editing site, Pixlr.

While this lesson can be completed on almost any device that can browse the Web, it is ideally suited for students using Chromebooks as they cannot install desktop editing programs like GIMP and Photoshop.

The screencast is indexed, so you can take students to a specific point each day and/or they can easily return to a previous chapter to go over a step again.

You can view the screencast or many others on my YouTube Channel.


Create Your Own TIME Magazine With GIMP

Have your students use GIMP to create their own Time magazine cover using the free open-source program, GIMP.

The screencast is indexed, so you can take students to a specific point each day and/or they can easily return to a previous chapter to go over a step again.

Created with GIMP on a Mac

You can view the screencast on my YouTube Channel.

Additionally, you can download the files at different stages of completion to share with a student that may need a “fresh start”

Time Magazine GIMP Files

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